Brooks Blog
Derrick Brooks Charities Kicks Off 306 African American History Program at Marshall Middle School
Derrick Brooks Charities in partnership with Everfi has launched the 306: African-American History program at Marshall Middle School. In the first two weeks of the [...]
Brooks Bunch Special Guest Speaker Mr. Stuart Lasher
On Tuesday January 23, 2018, Mr. Stuart Lasher of Quantum Capital Partners paid a visit to the Brooks Bunch Class to speak with the students [...]
December and January Rites of Passage Program Update
December 2017/ January 2018 The young ladies of Derrick Brooks Charities Rites of Passage Mentoring Program attended Bridging The Gap The community & First Responders [...]
Derrick Brooks Charities Youth Programs January Summit
Staff, volunteers and youth in DBCYP pose after participating in the January Teen Summit taught by Tresa Boykin. The subject was Inclusion and Sexual Bullying [...]
Derrick Brooks Charities Youth Programs Christmas Giving
Derrick Brooks Charities Youth Programs Executive Director Darrell Daniels spent the holidays providing Christmas cheer to those in need. Please enjoy this gallery. We hope [...]
Derrick Brooks Charities Youth Programs Annual Holiday Luncheon
On December 20,2017 over 50 volunteers and elected officials attended the combined volunteer meeting for the Derrick Brooks Charities Youth Program Task Force and Advisory [...]
Brooks Bunch Helps the Buccaneers D-Line
On December 12, 2017 15 members of the Brooks Bunch along with Ms. Tina Serra and Coach Maggie Hedley assisted the Tampa Bay Buccaneers D-Line [...]
Derrick Brooks Charities and the City of Tampa TLC Youth Christmas Bowling Party
On December 11, 2017 Derrick Brooks Charities celebrated its annual Christmas party with 25 youth from the City of Tampa TLC program. Derrick was on [...]
10th Annual Earl Silas Bridge the Gap Community Youth Forum and Law Enforcement Softball Game
On December 9, 2017, Derrick Brooks Charities Youth Program coordinated and participated in the 10th Annual Earl Silas Bridge the Gap Community Youth Forum with [...]
Derrick Brooks Charities Youth Programs Christmas Community Service Project
On December 6, 2017 Tresa Boykin of Derrick Brooks Charities Youth Programs worked with a group of young ladies at Stewart Middle School on Community [...]
Hyundai’s Homecoming Players Tribune Featuring Derrick Brooks
In this episode, former Tampa Bay Buccaneers linebacker and Super Bowl champion Derrick Brooks returns to Florida State University to meet with his most cherished [...]
“Character, teamwork, hard work, perseverance, greatness, success, failures, motivation, humility. Those are the things that this game has really taught me.”